Interventional procedures are a sub-specialty of radiology which use minimally invasive image-guided procedures to diagnose and treat diseases in nearly every organ system. Our highly trained Radiologists perform these procedures in our clinics across the Sunshine Coast. These types of procedures are beneficial as they have less risk, less pain and less recovery time in comparison to open surgery. The procedures usually involve either the injection of medication or the removal of tissue, such as biopsies.
Injections can be performed under X-Ray, CT or Ultrasound guidance, however, the choice will depend on the type of condition being treated. A biopsy is the removal of tissue for further analysis by a pathology laboratory and is undertaken to assist and support results from previous diagnostic imaging.

Preparation will depend on the type of procedure, but our friendly booking staff will advise you when you book your appointment. Please be sure to bring along any previous x-rays, CT scans, ultrasound or MRI examinations which you may have available. They provide valuable additional information to the attending Radiologist performing your procedure. All imaging will be returned to you.
At the time of the procedure on the day, our healthcare team will discuss the detail of what will happen during the procedure.
The cost of the procedure will depend on a number of factors which will be clarified when you make your booking or arriving at the practice.
Prior to your scan and to ensure optimal imaging, you may be asked to change into a gown. A change cubicle will be provided to ensure your privacy and you will be asked to bring your belongings will you, carry baskets are provided. You will be asked to place your belongings in a suitable location within the room for the duration of your scan. After your scan, you will be provided with a change cubicle to ensure your privacy. Please ensure you have all your belongings with you prior to leaving the department. If you accidentally leave anything behind, please contact our staff to advise and we will endeavour to locate your belongings and return them to you.
The results will be sent to your referring doctor and you will get a copy of the report with your images.
Deception Bay
Deception Bay Market Square, Cnr Deception Bay Road & Bay Avenue, Deception Bay Qld 4508
*Some services are provided at other practices in our IQ network.
Most Medicare eligible examinations are bulk billed. Fees may apply for some procedures. Our friendly reception staff will advise you on the cost of your procedure at the time of your booking.